Friday, June 14, 2013


This web page(s) regularly focuses on the leading Free State (South Africa) newspaper – Free State News – the first regular newspaper to be orchestrated fully by black people in the Free State province. The paper has been published on a weekly basis since 1999. Regular items like “Feature of the week” have appeared here over the years. 

Free State News crew


Moses Vinger

Confidential Secretary/Manager

Maki Mohapi aka “Madam Maki” “H.C”


Kaya M

News Editor

Omoseye Bolaji


Letshego Moeng

Raselebeli Khotseng

Lay-out artist

Tumisang Takang

Contact number:

051 447 1655 051 447 1655 

Leburu’s lasting legacy

By Letshego Moeng

Diemiso Leburu, who cut her teeth as a burgeoning journalist at Free State News many years ago and went on to further carve a name for herself in the media fraternity, has died prematurely. Her demise has sent shock waves through both the print and electronic media where Diemiso distinguished herself over the years.

Leburu kicked off her career at Free State news where she was an indomitable reporter and columnist, writing in both English and Sesotho on a wide range of topics. It is no surprise that journalists and colleagues across the spectrum have been paying tribute to her on her demise.

Leading the tribute was Free State News Publisher, Mr Moses Vinger, who said: “I was extremely distraught to hear that she has passed away. Free State news has always nurtured very young journalists, and Diemiso Luburu from inception was a very enterprising and hardworking reporter. It was clear that Diemiso was destined for greatness from the very start of her illustrious career.”

Neo Mvubu, who knew the late Leburu for many years, said: “The first time I saw her was at a media briefing, she was wearing a grey jersey and a grey skirt. I asked around and found out that she was actually working for OFM. I was a very young journalist at the time and hoping to learn much from her, although I didn’t know her that well, she contributed significantly to journalism in the Free State.”

Maki Mohapi, stalwart of Free State News said succinctly: "She was a cheerful, honest, and hardworking person. She always loved working with people. She was one person who never forgot where she came from"

Free State News’ news editor, Omoseye Bolaji, asserted:  “Diemiso was spunky, effervescent, and feisty. I was not surprised that she went on to garner major award(s) in journalism. A truly ebullient spirit; she sort of epitomized the jagged emotions of her time in the new South Africa”

The well known Free State poet and essayist, Raselebeli Magic Khotseng also this week paid this glowing tribute to the late Diemiso: “Good people don’t last indeed, that’s why Shakespeare said ‘Death is a necessary end’. Diemiso’s passing is another grievous injury to Free State News after the leaking wound of the late Gloria Marobele. Although death is unavoidable as it is a journey for us all but if it picks on a charismatic and good person like Diemiso it’s unacceptable and cruel! From the bottom of my soul I plead you my beloved sister to sleep well.”


By Regomoditswe Motsalane

Local (Free State) theatre reverberated this week as the historic play, Ihobe the Freedom song, was put on stage; to mark Youth Month. Pacofs (Workshop Theatre) was the venue as teeming audiences enjoyed the drama.

The play was also a great moment for one of the heroes of the struggle, Mangaung-based Fikile Qithi, the gentleman of whom the riveting play is essentially weaved around.  Qithi, a former student leader of Ihobe Secondary School, and former political prisoner at Robben Island said: “The event commemorates the Mangaung Students Outburst. We are all indebted to younger students in Mangaung who were inspired by the Soweto uprisings of June 1976, who also took part in the struggle against Afrikaans as the medium for education.” The gentleman also paid tribute to young black students from the schools in the days of yore who displayed exemplary courage.

Free State News gathered that such schools included: Ihobe Secondary School, and Marang Primary School, Sehunelo High School, Lereko High School, St Bernard Roman Catholic School. History reveals that these institutions rejected the imposition of Afrikaans. Their heroes included: Mpho Diba, Pinkie Litheko, and Fikile Qithi.

Many of the audience commented that the play was staged at an appropriate time, with Youth Day just around the corner (June 16) Indeed, many distinguished people turned up to enjoy the didactic, powerful play. The applause for the well orchestrated play was deafening.
Suave actor, Morena Hamilton Berries, grinning from ear to ear told Free State News: “I am proud of what we have done here. Rehearsals have been intensive over the last few weeks, but all has gone well,” Playwright and actor, Ntate Thabang also beamed radiantly.

Mpikeleni Duma, the charming, powerful veteran and activist who was pivotal in bringing the play into fruition, and who also ensured it was put on stage at large, said: “This is the culmination of a dream I have had to honour one of the heroes of our struggle, and Mangaung history in general. We blacks must learn to celebrate, and learn from the checkered twists and turns of our history,”


Die Springbokke se afrigter, Heyneke Meyer, was verstom en verras deur Bryan Habana se spoed, nadat die veteraan vleuel hierdie naweek die Springbokke gehelp het om hul internasionale seisoen te begin met ‘n 44-10 sege oor Italie in Kingspark, Durban.

Die Westelike Provinsie se staatmaker, wat sy 84ste toets vir Suid Afrika speel, het ‘n uithaler solo drie opgelewer en ‘n het ook ‘n drie moontlik gemaak vir JJ Engelbrecht. Die tuisspan het die besoekers uitgestof met vyf drieë teenoor een.

“Ek verstaan Bryan nie” het afrigter Meyer op die perskonferensie na die wedstryd gesê.

Wat my verbaas van Bryan is dat hy soms doodgewoon lyk wanneer ek hom sien Superrugby speel, maar wanneer hy die Springbok trui aantrek, is hy ‘n totaal ander speler.

Ek dink hy was vanaand ongelooflik. Ek was op ‘n stadium verbaas oor sy spoed, maar as Bryan goed speel, speel die span goed. Hy’t nog altyd vir my puik rugby gespeel en ek is baie dankbaar daaroor.”

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